Professional vs. Personal Conversations
Scott Millar Scott Millar

Professional vs. Personal Conversations

Kim Hyshka (episode #24 of the Cool Collaborations podcast) challenges us to think about the difference in how personal and professional conversations happen, so that we can see what from each type of conversation can inform and improve the other. Here’s a few thoughts from my own experience.

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Is Collaboration Just a Buzzword? (repost)
Scott Millar Scott Millar

Is Collaboration Just a Buzzword? (repost)

The word collaboration shows up everywhere, but does the use of the word really align with the meaning and intent of collaboration? This repost brings back some of my thinking and descriptions of the key parts of collaboration.

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Sparkplugs! (repost)
Scott Millar Scott Millar

Sparkplugs! (repost)

We need more sparkplugs … those people willing to step out and be collaborative. In this repost, we visit a conversation I had with Anthony Boxshall and Max Hardy on Authentic Codesign and where we talk about what it takes to be a collaborative sparkplug.

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Power in Collaboration
Scott Millar Scott Millar

Power in Collaboration

Often thought of as an organization sharing its power with a group, perhaps we should think a bit more about the power everyone brings to collaboration and how our power as individuals and organizations is transformed and magnified.

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